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Chrizum said:
Mazty said:
milkyjoe said:
Did he really just use LBP's physics as an example of great power? Haha. The platforming is so floaty and imprecise, and the funny thing is, it's that way because of the online mode. It compensates for lag. There's no such compensation in a Mario game though, and you could land yourself on a penny with ease. In LBP it would be more luck than anything else.

So in effect, the console being a powerhouse capable of great online feats has caused the game to be cut back from what it might be, whereas the console that didn't go for the online mode has the perfect platforming. Funny isn't it?

I'm sorry how are you measuring their physics, with your imaginary physics measuring tool kit?
I've never had lag online so no idea what you are on about and last I checked the physics was there because it makes a lot of work with it whether it's blasting you on a rocket or blowing up something. There's no online mode in Mario - end of.

Do you have any proof it has your floaty physics engine because of lag or that just speculation wrapped to look like fact? As for perfect platforming, I hardly think making a game which wouldn't have been out of place 15 years ago constitutes as perfect.

Again, about 12 million people disagree with you. The gamers have spoken: New Super Mario Bros. is better than LBP.



Since when did sales mean that a game is by default good & it's not fanboys getting one off over their favourite fanchise? Not to mention do you have a demograph of who bought it because by gamers you could be saying "12 million kids bought it", and last I checked a kid didn't know the difference in quality between steak and playdo.