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woopah said:
woo we can have some cool discussion


just so i can understand your point of view, do you believe that handheld titles shouldnt be ranked over 90? if not what is the maximum mark a handheld title should be able to get?

also about your franchise gaming = fanboy theory. how exactly does that work? is it that only fanboys buy franchise titles? so halo is only bought by halo fanboys and uncharted 2 sold only because of uncharted fanboys? what about people for whom this is thier first instalment? from sales data we can estimate that theres a probably a fair few people who picked up brawl without having played melee or the original. do they become fanboys after playing one for the first time? cos i my opinion you cannot dismiss a game saying its not quality it only gets bought by fanboys, because surely the franchise being quality is what makes them fanboys to begin with. It is my belief that people become nintendo/sony/microsoft fanboys because they enjoy the quality of the games those companies provide. Thus, a franchise may sell to fanboys but those fanboys only buy it because of its quality.


Games on the consoles, all three, should be compared to one another, as they are offering essentially the same sort of entertainment.

Hand-held gaming should be done seperatly as it's a given that the graphics and gameplay are going to be dated in comparison to the consoles, which are also offering a different angle on gaming.

With a franchise, once one good title is released, some fans expect every title from their on out to be just as good if not better. Instead of going "hang on, just because it's got the same name, or even devs, doesn't mean it'll be a good game".
You have to approach the game as objectively as possible, which a lot of people do not do. Uncharted 1 was fun, and uncharted 2 improved on it in everyway. But let's take MW2 over MW (PC version). The FoV was reduced, the storyline went from simple but believable to full of holes and made no sense. The multiplayer was laggy, full of hackers, unbalanced and reduced to cat & mouse shooting in the back etc. Yet many people like it. Ask them why and they struggle to get past "because I do", or tend not to have played a large amount of games with which to compare it.
You can only dissmiss a game once you see what it offers, hence why I won't talk bad of games I've never played. After playing NSMBW and LBP, I cannot see why anyone would enjoy the former, unless they were really young and just enjoyed the colours, or again, hadn't played many games with which to compare it.

A franchise does not mean a game is going to be good, it just means it has had a successful title (generally the first) and sold afterwards.