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Mazty said:
Maelstrome said:
Mazty said:
Naum said:
Mazty said:
Well it's true - all the wii's I know are dust gatherers, not to mention, what does it have over the other 2 game consoles? Less power, less quality exclusives etc.

The best exlusive games ever created?

Maybe according to you, but not to any critic, or public vote.


the public voted for the wii with their wallets,it has some of the highest selling exclusives.


Oh yes beause bundle games clearly mean it's a good title. The fact that a few wii devs are now bust and moving to the other two console says a lot. If the 360 was still bundled with a release title from '06 people would be asking what the hell is going on.

As someone said before, it's simply "cool" to have one, not that they play on the wii for a large amount of time whatsoever. As I said, what does the wii offer that the two other consoles don't? It's not the cheapest, nor does it have the best graphics. It's not a good entertainment system as it can't stream media or even play dvds. All it has are a few gimmick titles like wii fit, because god knows, going to a gym is hard work (irony).

We shall see how much Nintendo have shot themselves in the foot by chasing away all the real gamers off their console onto MS and Sony next generation, or simply when the little white dust collector starts appearing on ebay.

It has the one thing that a gaming system should be and have always has been since the Atari days bring people enjoyment and hours of entertainment or to put bluntly fun. A gaming system doesn't need to play dvd's nor have great graphics all it needs to do is bring joy to all people. The wii is simply a video game system never meant to be a multimedia center nor a PC in terms of graphics but to be what all past video game systems have been like before this generation to let people have a euphoria.

Former something....