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killeryoshis said:
Mazty said:
Viper1 said:
Maelstrome said:
Mazty said:
Naum said:
Mazty said:
Well it's true - all the wii's I know are dust gatherers, not to mention, what does it have over the other 2 game consoles? Less power, less quality exclusives etc.

The best exlusive games ever created?

Maybe according to you, but not to any critic, or public vote.


the public voted for the wii with their wallets,it has some of the highest selling exclusives.

And the highest rated game of the generation.

Not according to metacritc - that title belongs to GTA4. A game which no less can't be played on the wii as it's hardware is hilariously arcahic.

And you have to take the critics bias into account - the games of the wii are never compared to their console brethren, otherwise graphics would always get at most a 6 or lower.

What I didn't know that?