soulsamurai said: that why the ps3 LETS you install a hard drive? I don't buy it.... A Hard drive is a hard drive. It's there way of monopolizing on them. It's a physical mod, something that doesn't even affect gameplay like a virtual one. |
well while I see what he's talking about and I think there is nothing wrong with that , and I can see not may companies like you fooling arround with their machine when the Spec's are made the way they are, but on the same token something like adding extras space does void your HDDdrives wnt. SO you as the end user is at fault for that. but on the same token that would give no advantage to the person as anyone else who bought a larger drive for their xbox360. For me I just have the know how to do that upgrade, like I do pretty much to anyother PC. just because it's something I have done for year's, when i first saw the xbox360 hardrive enclosure i guessed that it was a SATA 2.5" drive, and it was.
100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...
Proud psOne/2/3/p owner. I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.