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Best Graphics: Mario Galaxy...

Best Sound Effects: Metroid Prime corruption

Best Replay Value: Mario Galaxy

Best Music/Soundtrack: Forever Blue

Best Story: Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles

Best Multiplayer:Medal Of Honor Heroes 2(32 multiplayer online)

Most Innovative Feature in a Game:Elebits-Trauma center

Most Innovative Game: Wii fit-Elebits-Zack and Wiki

In specific catagories:

Best First/Third Person Shooter:Metroid Prime 3(wow)Medal Of honor heroes 2(online features)

Best Racing Game:Need for speed pro street-Excite Truck...soon nitrobike(online 16 players)

Best RPG:Fire emblem-Dragon quest-chocobo...

Best Action/Adventure Game:Zelda TP-Metroid Prime 3

Best Platformer:Mario Galaxy

Best Party Game:Wii sport and carnival

Best Sports Game: Nfl 2008

Best Virtual Console Game:Hard one,mmm,Mario Bros 2,the lost levels...

Game of the Year (all genres):Mario Galaxy without a doubt

Turd/Letdown of the Year:4x4 monster truck...

Wii ware-Fatal Frame 4-Street Fighter 4-Sonic Unleashed-guitare hero 3-Disaster-wii fit-mario kart-Sadness-Games who actually use Wii Board...i dont know but, seem big enough for me.By the way,im a proud owner of P.E.S 2008  Wii and it kill all the other soccer game.

My Wii code:3553-1619-3236-0339

my Brawl Code:0860-2912-9428