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I like the 5* rating system
However i disagree with some of the ratings(like Kylie)
Burnout Paradise is a * plat but there is a trophy that only people with a PSeye or some other usb camera device that is compatible with the ps3. That trophy and the Burnout License(which is a little time consuming) should make it a 2*
Buzz Quiz TV is a 1* and the winning the games online is a bitch because there is always that one person who is smarter than you and it really is a grind.
NCAA Football 10 is a 1* and its harder than Madden due to online trophies but Madden 10 is a 1*
Cod W@W shouldn't be the same as MW2 because MW2 is a cakewalk compared to W@W. Either W@W a 4* or MW2 a 2*(Also more people have the MW2 plat than W@W). If KZ2 is a 4* then shouldnt W@W? I heard W@W was more complicated due to the nade spamming
NBA 09 The Inside is a 2* plat but only 2 people in the league have it. And from the online trophies it looks like a 3 maybe 4* plat(thats impossible now due to online servers down)
I agree with most of the rest