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Watch out you're going to awaken all of the Nintendo nut huggers. 0_o
I can say from personal experience that many people in my life treat their Wii as exactly as described. It gets very limited usage.

The Wii has pretty terrible software as a whole and has made it's biggest mark in non-traditional / non-standard gaming types. (Eldery Homes, Women looking for exercise, etc) and the standard Nintendo core group, children.

It's software isn't getting gobbled up because it's so good, it's getting gobbled up because of the knowledge of the general consumer of Wii games.

And while I love Nintendo, the Wii and it's success has been somewhat shocking to me because like the Gamecube and N64 before it their third party support has been absolutely horrible as a whole and the system usually lives and dies by the vine of the core quality Nintendo games (Fill in your Zelda, Mario, Metroid series here).

The biggest explanation to me is simply that Nintendo has gathered old people, women, children and hey more power to them. Great way to make a profit and keep Nintendo in the top of the industry.

But my 90 year old grandmother loves knitting, watching lifetime, buying things from QVC, 1940s music....So while she might think Wii software is great and so much fun!!! The reality of the situation is that for the general crowd of gamers (12-40) the Wii is more often a less appealing option IMHO.