Final Fanatasy 13 will be an awesome game no doubt but being linear certainly hurts the game! I've played Final Fantasy 4,6,7,and 9 multiple times but I only felt the need to play through Final Fantasy 10 once! Final Fantasy 10 was fun but by taking away the over-world map/ multiple towns it makes the game far more linear than past FF games! For instance in Final Fantasy 7 the game was linear but if you wanted to, you could go off the beaten path and explore the nearby cave or swamp or maybe search around for secret characters like Yuffie! Final fantasy X was linear like past FF games but without the over-world map you really just went from point A to point B without really be able to explore the areas! I like the freedom to do a little bit of exploring as well as interacting with locals! That being said I fully intend to buy the game at launch and am expecting it to be awesome!!