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windbane: ''Yeah, one-turn wins usually get a card or two banned.''

It's been over a year since I last entered a magic tournament, but at the time these two cards weren't banned: 

I just need a bit of mana acceleration to get these out on turn one. Then I keep on bouncing my opponents land each turn, there's not much you can do with just one land. It's not actually a turn one kill, just a lock-down. Although I have actually been killed on turn one before, by a red burn deck. :(

I suggest that you search for some tips on how to play Eye Of Judgment. I would try to help but I've not actually played much of the game myself (although I will start playing more now that I've completed Uncharted 100%). I hope once you understand the game that you'll start to enjoy it. I still prefer Magic, but it's good to be able to play a CCG while I'm still in my pyjamas.