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Euphoria14 said:

So what would make people happy? If Kratos stopped every once in a while, sat down for a drink and cracked some jokes and had a laugh?

Maybe chit chat about his life before everything went wrong during the entire game?

The guy is brutal for a reason. He was a Spartan general and Spartans were already bad ass enough. The guy made a pact with Ares and it ended up costing him to murder his own wife and child.

The damn guy wears their ashes on his skin and a non stop reminder of what he did.

If that was you, would you be smiling every once in a while or cracking some jokes? Would you stop periodically to tell people stories of the better times? No, you would be a lunatic.

That is who Kratos is. He is a Spartan who's acts of brutality cost him in the most severe way and now he is just a man full of rage with nothing left to lose.



By the way, how many other characters do we have that are this brutal and have a story like Kratos' to go along with it? Do we have others who not only have their memories to haunt them but physical alterations from those brutal acts that they must carry for the rest of their life?

Unless we do I would say he is pretty unique to me. He is just brutal, but he has a very legitimate reason.

I really don't know what would make me happy.

Perhaps if they showed off more than just Kratos doing brutal things?

I don't have a problem with brutality in games but God of War just makes it seem to boring.

It's like if they showed Mario only jumping gaps, or Drake only platforming, or Master Chief only driving the warthog, or any other iconic character doing only one of their iconic things.

If I only see the same over and over and over and over again it just gets boring.  I don't know, does Kratos do anything else iconic?  Show me anything that makes me believe he's more than brutal and more brutal.

Like I've said, I don't really play God of War and these gifs, trailers, sigs, ect make me want to play it even less because I felt like I've already seen it all and I'm already bored of it.