Metallicube said: I don't get how everyone seems to think PS3 will be this console that will magically sell strong for 10 years despite it selling poorly, while the Wii will plummet down far quicker despite it selling much greater amounts. Usually a console selling less indicates its life will be shorter and a console selling strongly means it will last longer, it is not the other way around.. |
here is a question , do you think the xbox360 will still sell for 10 year's?
I think so, why because before when a new system get's released there will be a big upgrade in visual's right off the bat. but unlike this generation how much of a leap will the next system have in leap in visual's vs' the next xbox vs' the current xbox360 the upgrade in hardware but the visual's will be slightly updated, because of if the developer's want the most money the for example the developer's for Microsoft's cboc360 will still have to code for the lowest common system between the xbox360 and the new xboxsystem which will still developer's develop for their base system.
and that will still be the xbox360. why because the xbox360 will still be selling very healthy even when a new xbox get's released.
that is if you don't think the XBOX360 cannot sell healthy when the new xbox come's out that is?
do you?
it will be the same for the playstation 3. even when a new playstation system get's released.
100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...
Proud psOne/2/3/p owner. I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.