Interesting thread, good to see some predictions and debate that doesn't boil down to fanboys crying and screaming.
My first reaction to the question was no way, but after reading some comments and thinking about it.... I'm still going to say no way. I just think one of the big 3 will be going next gen by around 2012 and usually once one company jumps to the next gen they all will follow suit sooner than later. So Sony would have to sell around 70million PS3s in the next 3 years (assuming PS3 are selling considerable numbers until 2013). I just don't see that happening but I have seen crazier things happen :)
Current Favorites:
Wii - Muramasa, MH3, Metroid Trilogy, RS2, Okami, RE4, COD, Dead Space, Scarface
PC - L4D, TF2, BFBC2, Killing Floor, Aquaria, Warsow, many UDK indie games
Mods - MechWarrior:Living Legends, Star Wars: Galatic Warfare, PVKII, Goldeneye Source, L4D mods
PS3 - Demon Souls, Way of the Samurai 3
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