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Many of you know that I am from Switzerland, so it may be interesting what I think about the EU since Switzerland isn't participating.

First of all, I want to say that I'd like to see Switzerland beeing a member of the EU, there are a lot of economical advantages inside the Union.

But I also understand why a lot of people in Switzerland don't want to take part, and here are some reasons.
-Firstly, Switzerland would have to give up its currency which would be a bad thing imo. I think it was a good thing to have only one currency in the EU, but Swiss Francs are an important currency globally. Earler, it used to be the dollar, the pound, the mark, the yen and the swiss francs that were stable currencies, other currencies had inflation problems. Now, the euro has taken the mark's place, but dollar and pound were not too stable recently. But the world economy needs more than one stable currency, and because of that I think it is important that Switzerland stays independent in this question.

-Second, Switzerland has some trade barriers to protect some branches, especially farmers. This is not a good thing, but a lot of people are profiting from that and are against the EU because of it.

-The most important point and also the biggest problem the EU has in my opinion is its lack of democracy. It wouldn't be too difficult to have more democracy, it would only require a more federalistic system. But it doesn't seem the EU will get that soon.

These are my thoughts on the EU, they are quite random it seems now that I read through them again...

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