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3 million by the end of this year? I don't think it'll be a challenge for God of War 3. I mean, look at Uncharted 2. It's a newer IP than God of War is and it's sold over 3 million already. God of War 3 will easily sell over 3 million because it has a pretty big fan base. One of the main reasons why God of War 2 sold less than God of War 1 is because you couldn't play God of War 2 on the older Playstation 2s, I think because of the different coding on the DVD. I had to buy a PS3 to play God of War 2 with backwards compatibility. If God of War 3 is anywhere near as graphics intensive and story driven Uncharted 2, which I know it is =P, then it'll easily sell over 3 million by the end of this year. Don't even use the whole Uncharted 2 is a shooter argument, I know shooters are more popular, but seriously, I just think that there are too many shooters already and that God of War 3 is an answer to all of those shooters. Sony has upped the marketing scheme for their first party title, so I'd be surprised if it didn't sell over 3 million before the year is out. You have the holiday season to give it boosts as well with bundles and special deals.