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jeffc1880 said:

Gameplaywise MGS kills SC. It's a difference between japanese and american game design. In SC most of Sams actions are done through toggle or quicktime events. IE: hit the A button to grab the guy then push another button to peform the next action. MGS give you more control over the character actions. Wih snake you have to perform a sequence of button pushes, stick moves, button holds, and pressure sensitive functions to grab an enemy and do whatever action afterwards. Its more like mario where you have supreme control over your character's actions.

Those aren't quicktime events. Those are typical button-pushing used in every game. That's like calling Street Fighter a collection of QTEs to punch or kick. It doesn't make sense. QTEs are God of War style button prompts that initiate a sequence of events not controlled by the player.

With that said, MGS does have a few more button combos than SC but inversely, SC has FAR more methods of attack (hanging, dangling from ceiling, hoisted between two walls, etc.). On top of that, SC has far more cohesive gameplay elements that are actually necessary to complete a mission, unlike MGS4 which turned into a run-n-gun bloodbath when I played it.

You can congratulate MGS4 for having all those button manuevres but I won't give it credit because those moves were almost completely superfluous to completing the game, even on the Solid Normal difficulty setting.

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