heruamon said: ^^^ People form so many opinions based on original Xbox, which is a stupid thing to do, since they cherry pick what they want to focus on, for example...they will glad point out how M$ rushed the 360, and didn't do sufficient system engineering to determine the true MTBF of the console, and label the brand for that, while overlooking the fact that the original xbox was one of the sturdiest console ever made. |
that outer caseing even though it was mainly plastic. that was some very hard plastic.
It had the best quality build out of all of those generation machines even more so than the game cube, and the game cube was a great machine, hell even still is.
ps2, xbox, and game cube was all great machines, I think this generation is all three machine's have onece again not disapointed me. now granted I do not own an xbox360 myself but i have access to one!
I will eventualy get one. though later.
100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...
Proud psOne/2/3/p owner. I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.