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Holesome said:
Did anyone think that having extra storage space makes for lazy development? Absolutely. If developers have the space then they are less likely to think about optimization. 1

Did anyone think that Sony developers will use the extra space ON PURPOSE, like having uncompressed audio and duplicate data for performace reasons, and to (in part) be able to justify the BR player and to try to one-up the 360 in the consumer's eyes? Absolutely! Is this necessary or required? NO. 2

Some extra features such as multi-language is a nice option but NOT necessary to most consumers. I have so, so many movies that are multi-language and I NEVER watch the movies using the second language tracks. So, for the most part there is little to no value to pad the games with such content. 3

Did anyone think that having more space often makes developers try and fill it with assets which take more time to develope which costs developers more to produce the games? Still to this day the DVD is about the size that holds the right number of assets and keeps development budgets in check. 4

With the exception of ONLY a handfull of games, and almost all of the 1st party, the hundreds of other games have NO requirement for large amounts of storage space at this point in time or possibly years into the future. 5

Now if I had two consoles from the same company, one with DVD and one with BR I'd choose the BR disk. Having said that, having multi-disk DVD or BR is not a significant enough reason itself to choose one console over another for a particular game. At this point, I would likely choose one version over another for more important reasons such as which console is my "primary console", do I want achievements vs trophies, or which console would be more convenient for the rest of my family to use it on?
ie. only one PS3 in my house yet every room has a 360 for gaming, media, TV, etc. Which console are my friends going to be playing the game on?
Does the BR offer content that makes any difference at all for my environment?
ie. I don't use or care about 7.1 surround sound and likely NEVER will. I only have 720p and/or 1080p quality is not noticable at all on my equipment so it makes NO difference. 7
Theoretically in a multi-console house with multi-disk DVD games I can have two consoles running the game at the same time (if offset by one disk) which would be a bonus for my kids rather than having to wait until I finish the game?

Think about this everyone. 9

Actually ill afford the 15 minutes to explain, as I would have did with a regular poster.

1. Sure they will all be lazy, we know that developers never care about the final product, and that they will only use more space because they are too lazy too optimize, thats common sense right?

2. Duplicate data? for what we knows its only bethesda with oblivion in the early days of PS3 that stated having to use duplicate data to work around the slower load speed of their PS3 version. Uncompressed audio is only to feel a disc space? I thought it was a nice features when you have a 7.1 surround sound. Adding side quest in a jRPG or adding a making of film in a game like uncharted 2 is not necassry or required, your right on that. But its nice no?

3. You know what, america and english language is the center of the world, the sun revolute around it, extra language has little to no value right?

4. Theres developer that makes tons of cash and easily can afford a longer developement cycle and bigger asset. But they need to release their game on DVD, so how do you know they wouldnt have done more.

5. Your contradicting yourself you know. Its obvious why its only 1st party titles that use more spaces.

6. Finally something that makes sense, preferring a console, interface, controller is very legetimate. And yes it can easily surpass the type of disc it uses.

7. The fact that you dont use the advantages of blu-ray doesnt cancel the advantages. What about I tell you im not connected to Xbox live hence Xbox live makes no difference. Im not fanboy enough to claim anything like that tho.

8. Very very good point in favor of multi-disc.

9. Well other than thinking your here only to provoke others, theres little to think.