psrock said:
I have never played the game hence don't know why you say I don't like it. My issue is your idea of fun, Every game is created to be enjoyed, If I don't enjoy the game, It means I don't like it. There are millions of gamers out there with their sole purpose of gaming is to play Call of Duty online. What about those fans who like to spend 60 hours on a game, doesnt sounds fun to me, but I know for sure they enjoy these games. Every game is focused on fun, I hope there's more to Just dance that just that idea. |
because in those games fun is a small part of the full package and the road to enjoyment while in just dance fun is the purpose of the game and dancing is the tool to get there that is the difference a game that is more fucosed on a fun experience will be more pure fun the a game that focuses on it less and a whole range of other things included in that experience but either game you choose if you like it you will probably enjoy either way. To enjoy a game is not equal to having fun, fun is part of the enjoyment but if a game focuses on the fun part and is done properly like in this case then it will be more fun as a game but thats not to say that you will have more fun with this because you dont seem to like this kind of game (thats the impression you are giving) you will probably have more fun and enjoy some other game (what ever that would be) but if you could step out of your preferences then you could see and measure the ammount of pure fun each game has even if it´s not your kind of game abd in this case you seem to be missing that attribute as a human being.
Well i am off to play some games with my brother, will be back later and continue this with you if you still interested.
Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello" R.I.P AC Milan
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"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.