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binary solo said:
I went maybe a little less. Though I think it can do 70 million. If as some are suggesting this generation will be somewhat longer than initial expectations then I can easily see 360 selling reasonably well (10 million +) for 3 years. At 39 million+ shipped already 360 is looking to be on target. But I wouldn't say yeah easily because MS may well come out with their next gen box earlier than 3 year's time and hence kill off any chance of 360 reaching 70 million.

The way i see it, killing off the xbox360 chances are very unlikely.

this generation has one of the best selling component's of the previous generation.



the very fact that these machine's have that capability make's them inline to be able to do a majority of the thing's the next system's will be able to do, yes somewhat at a slight to to lesser extent in running game's on the same quality but that's because the machine's will have more horse power, other than that since the xbox360's online structure will be just a robust as the new xbox there will be less of a reason to just drop it not just by microsoft but also consumer's. the new xbox when it get's released what price do you think it will be released at?

I think it will be inline with $400.00 launch price , because Microsoft will want to recoup their cost's as much as they can. that way the can still profit off of the xbox360

why only sell one unit if you can make a profit on a machine that will still be able to be a viable option for gamer's, just look at the PS2.

anymore you do not have to be the market leader to gather support. Even the ps3 being in last place in over all sale's still has a majority of support like the 1st place and 2nd place system's.To think with the xbox360 being popular as it is that somehow the system will be in so much decline in 3 year's is kind of short sighted. becuse it's still has alot of life in the system.

to many the IDEA o a generation lasting 10 year's is unthinkable, but if you look at all three companies history.

microsoft support's  the window's edition's for 10 year's, and now it seem's the xbox brand will join that support cycle!

sony support's their playstation brand each system is on a 10 year business plan. that has not changed since the days of the ps1.

"Kutaragi started out by reconfirming that the PS3 will be backward-compatible with PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games and will support high-definition TVs. "We're looking at a life cycle of 10 years with the PlayStation 3."

Kutaragi- 2005

microsoft's windows OS support cycle:

Products ReleasedGeneral Availability DateMainstream Support RetiredExtended Support RetiredService Pack RetiredNotes
Windows XP Professional 12/31/2001 4/14/2009 4/8/2014 8/30/2005




even window's 98

Products ReleasedGeneral Availability DateMainstream Support RetiredExtended Support RetiredService Pack RetiredNotes
Windows 98 Standard Edition 6/30/1998 6/30/2002 7/11/2006
Paid incident support is now available through July 11, 2006. Extended hotfix support for Windows 98 and Windows 98 Second Edition ended on June 30, 2003. Extended hotfix support for Windows Millennium Edition ended on December 31, 2003. Online self-help support will continue to be available until at least July 10, 2007. For more information about the type and length of support provided, review the Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Millennium Edition Support Extended Announcement Web site. Critical security updates will be provided on the Windows Update site through July 11, 2006. Microsoft will not publicly release non-critical security hotfixes for Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, or Windows Millennium Edition. However, customers may request a non-critical security hotfix through On-Demand Security Hotfix support. This support is offered for these products through July 11, 2006. When a request is received, Microsoft will investigate the issue and try to provide an appropriate response to the customer.

The day of the short supported game system is In all likelyhood over, expect the system's to maintain extensive support over the long haul.

sell it for as long as you can. its worked for sony and Nintendo I think now Microsoft is joining the club.

the xbox360 Buisness plan my infact be 10 year's support. you sell over 35+ million in about 4 year's and it's still going. I just do not see support drying up for the system.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.