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elticker said:
Fufinu said:
A game can look good if just churns graphics. I tend to prefer overall evaluations to these sort of comparisons. Uncharted 2 is so hot because of its game play and storyline. Graphics are just the cherry on the cake.

well then you may like alan wake story about mr awake who is a writer that loses hes abilty to write stories so hes wife takes him to a place cant remember its where he thinks hes wife is kidnappped and events from a story he has written but cant remember comes true that is all i know.

i think they are both going to be equally fun.

Can';t really tell how good AW is going to be simply because it isn't out yet and there is no previous AW game to go by. U2 won soooo many GOTY awards and is noted as the graphics king for consoles. Will AW be a great game? Maybe, hell it can be GOTY material with the right recipe. The premise alone does seem interesting but it seems VERY Silent Hill type for me (not that it would be wrong since I love that series). I do wish AW to be a good/great game so that company can continue making great games but stating that they AW is equally fun to UC2 is an assumption with absolutely no basis.

On a side note, if you ever go to another thread on GOW3 and how great it will be, just remember that it is a game that has a very successful history with 2 previous games, something AW does not have at present time. It is safe to say that given the 5 year + development time of AW, it will at the very least be a good game (although I am hoping for greatness so I can rob my friend's 360 lol).

Make games, not war (that goes for ridiculous fanboys)

I may be the next Maelstorm or not, you be the judge  hopefully I can be more of an asset than a fanboy to VGC hehe.