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windbane said:

Why can't it have a better storyline? Why must Nintendo be constantly forgiven for not advancing certain aspects of their games? Online multiplayer, voices, story. Oh well.

Orange Box, UT3, Resistance, CoD4 all had great single player and multiplayer. At least Brawl and Kart will be online finally.

Because they want to advance their core aspects, which Mario Galaxy and the Metroid Prime series both do an exceptional job of.

All the games you mentioned are first person shooters -- and the best one, the Orange Box, is actually several different games.  HL2DM is not well known for its multiplayer, but TF2 is.  Notice that there is no Episode 2 online and no Portal online, nor is there a single player component for Team Fortress 2.

Metroid is an adventure game.  It's Zelda with a power beam instead of a sword.  Saying Metroid should have online multiplayer is like saying Zelda should have online multiplayer.  It's just not the same genre.

I'm sure you're going to come back and say "why shouldn't Zelda have online?", and this is your answer: Games should not try to be all things to all people.  Development budgets are not infinite, nor are console lifespans.  It's wonderful that Valve could make three different games and sell them in the same box, but it took them at least 8 years to make one of those games (TF2), and the Orange Box was delayed several times on account of all three games.  If Nintendo made these kinds of ubergames and released one game every two years like Valve, you'd be on here bitching that there are software droughts for the Wii.