Barozi said: because Modern Combat was a last gen port.... The whole part after the red colored sentence shows what gansito already said a few posts ago. Elitism at its finest.
and seriously BF2142 is only decent at best and almost a disgrace to the main BF series. |
BF2142 is basically a modded BF2 with some new elements in weaponry and units. I find it very good overall.
The only disgrace is Bad Company and Heroes and how they are nothing like BF beyond name.
BFBC2 brings the consoles back to a good BF experience with only less players.
I don't see why you guys keep saying elitism. I think in regards to FPS (and strategy games like C&C or Civilization) a PC is by far the better environment. That's not being an elitist. An elitist would say the PC is better for anything and everything and anyone who plays on consoles is trash. However, that is categorically wrong in every way.
OT: BF3 will take the good improvements in BFBC2 (destruction, better pack types, new gameplay options) and optimize/expand those to the premier BF experience which has always been found in the PC versions of the game.