You know what amazes me? That several people I know can look at this information being released and in one hand be "100% sure" that global warming exists while in the other, hold complete and utter contempt for religion.
A little off-topic but that kind of hypocrisy just baffles me.
Global warming theories stopped being led by scientists years ago. It has passed into the state of religion with data being withheld from "non-believers" to data not being released, period. If you questioned their science on the subject, you were ostracized.
This is the best thing that could happen to the world population as a whole. Out the zealots, push them out of the limelight, and let the real scientists get to work to figure out what is happening to the Earth. Because, let's face it, if you're not initially skeptical about a scientific result, you're DOING IT WRONG. Skepticism is the key component of what separates science from faith.
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