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binary solo said:
It seems your reputation for uncanny predictions precedes you. Hardly anyone willing to contradict your predicition, and I'm not about to start.

ha ha im just getin warmed up i got some threads that should ruffle some feathers coming up

yeah that sux i wonder if i should just tell others to make the threads maybe it'll get more people to post that they disagree

idk i thought it was pretty bold look at KZ2 it launched around this time last year and its not at 3m yet also thought the lifetime of gow 1 and 2 would get more to disagree

ive seen many posts on here saying that they expect gow3 to do 3m just life time not in 9 months also there was a news article talking bout gow3 wouldnt really sell much due to it's past sales

bet if i said 4m id get more that disagreed but dont think it will do that 2.8-3.5 is where i see it ending up no more than 3.5


no i dont see it doing 1.5m 1st week i c 1.1-1.2 maybe 1.3m it will be front loaded due to its anticipation and gaming drought we are experiencing now


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