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It is possible for sure.

I would be very surprised if it sold 1m first week. The first two combined have not reached anywhere near that number in its 1st week.

I think a huge problem if you will is the franchise is not liked in Japan. The last one selling just 40k there in its lifetime. 17k in first week there. Even if it increases those numbers by 400% it still wont be 100k in the first week.

The majority of its sales will obviously come from US so it is a question on how much people there want it. The second sold 500k in its 1st week there. But total sales for the second one were down a lot over the first one.

I think GOW really is a franchise some people think is bigger then it actually is. The last one did not even make it to 3m with well over 120m consoles to sell to. It does not have the worldwide interest that you claim, really only appealing to US and slightly in some places in europe. The last one sold 1.9m in US but only 600k in europe.

The GOW collection might drum up some interest but as others have mentioned elsewhere in other threads the franchise is not huge, far from it.

I think first week it will sell 60k in Japan. 550k in US and 250k in europe bringing 1st week to around 860k. Roughly the same as Uncharted 2.

Then following week will drop 50% such is the way it normally is making 2nd week total 430k, and total sales 1.29m. And then about another 400k over the next month bringing sales to around 1.69m in 6 weeks. Then it will go into the dead zone for awhile, and get new price deals and what not adding another 500k over the next 3 months. Making a new total of 2.29m. So then it has about 4 months or so until the holidays.

So i think it should make 3m by the end of the year but it really depends on its opening week i think and then what happens after that. Everyone thought the same with Killzone 2 and it still nearly a million away from 3m.

The question is, has GOW3 become another game that Vgchartz community has hyped up but in reality does not reflect the true level of interest for it beyond these boards?