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thx1139 said:
Why do I have a feeling that around this time next year when the 360 is at about 50 million people will still say the 360 will stall out at 55-60 million?

I think many people on the game forum's yes, but for the people outside will still continue to see the xbox360 as a great choice for a game system even when a new xbox system get's released. I cannot for the life of me see how many think this generation is going to end in 1.5 to even 2 years from now. it is just too early.

I think Microsoft and Sony and of Course Nintendo know this, this is one of the thing's that is showing that this unlike previous generation's all three system's have such a diverse number of income stream's that why would these companies just up and forget about keeping support going. Since the hardware is pretty robust why would all of a sudden they would just not keep support if they could sell the same game on both system's with say the new machine has the better updated resolution, maybe extra's for the new machine. but that would enable developer's to make money with their software on the older machine's.

now before that was not very much of an option with game console's

but with digital distribution, and alway's online capability as these current machine's have it's like offering an:

SD ver of the movie along with the HD ver.

only instead that would apply to game's as well.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.