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Is it possible for God of War 3 to sell 3 million world wide before 2011 even begins?!




God of War PS2 sales released 2005

3.2 million world wide

1st week

NA 166k

EU na

JP 6k


God of War 2 PS2 sales released 2007

2.6 million world wide

1st week

NA 542k

EU na

JP 17k


God of War Collection PS3 released 2009

.61 million world wide

1st week

NA 120k


God of War 3 releases 3/16/10 in NA and 3/19/10 in EU and 3/25/10 in JP


There's also a bundle in Europe (thanks to no one for taking over the pricing history thread i made) and will cost €350



This is the part where i ramble on about what i think, give some of my opinions how things will play out, and explain why i think this will happen but do to the lack of respect of my believes on this site i will not be giving any explanations.

Oh yeah i will say one thing i think God of War 3 will sell 3 million before the years up i mean 2.5m is like pretty much guaranteed


Post what you think GOd of War 3 will sell WorldWide before this year ends

Do you think it will do 3m?

What do you it will sell World Wide before this year ends?

Post why you dont think it will reach 3 million or why you do think it will

thank you


Note: some tips are not included do to the author wanting to pwn others*


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