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I want to buy this game for multiple reasons, to support the developers hard work in creating a game that most wouldnt dare, I appreciate that. I am also very interested in it and love good story games, especially ones that involve crimes to solve and what not. My only problem is im on a very limited budget over the next few months which just happens to be my luck due to the amount of day 1 purchase games I would normally get all coming out over the next 3 months, go figure. I will eventually purchase this game, but I have bfbc2, ffXIII and gowIII already preordered and paid off. If I can somehow convince the wife to let me pick this up day 1, im going to do it hands down. Im even considering just trading in my mw2, ac2 and borderlands just to get it, which is what I may end up doing. I love games that take risks, and sony is awesome for supporting these types of projects, gotta show them the respect they deserve if they manage to pull it off, which it seems quantic dream has done in spades. Cant wait until I can get my hands on this bad boy, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy it CGI-quality, I know I will.