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Ahh... Go Canada Go... Go World Go!!

Love the true meaning of the Olympics.

Sportsmanship, athleticism, human spirit, competitiveness. Peace through sport.

Dont like the commercialism that now underlines the Olympics.

Don't care about gold, its a goal to achieve, but I care more about the athletes representing their countries with pride, humility and their absolute best efforts. Hearts on their sleeves.

And boo to those saying worst Olympics ever. There is never such a thing as a bad event. Its how one looks and defines those experiences. So far, the venues I've visited, both locals and visitors to this great city, have enjoyed mixing with people, the events and the atmosphere. I think its one of the most fun Olympics ever!!! Cheerio.

I game.  You game.  We game.

I'm a videogamer, not a fanboy, but have a special place for Nintendo.

Current Systems Owned: NSwitch/PS4/XONE/WiiU/3DS/2DS/PCGaming Rig-i7/ASUS i7 Gaming Laptop.

Previous Game Consoles:  PS3/Xbox360/Wii/DSL/Pretty much every one thats been released since the Atari 2600.