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I think this presents an interesting ethical lapse.

Really if you look at the sale of pre-owned games does help game companies.

For example, I bought my copy of Beyond Good and Evil used for my GameCube. As a result of enjoying that game so much, when the second one does come it is a day one purchase for me. I'm sure there are a great deal of people like me that might have missed out on a franchise due to financial restrictions or maybe even because they did not think that the title would suit their interests. In a way pre-owned is an indirect marketing tool due to its lower price point.

The used game market might be helpful to generating interest in franchises rather than hurtful. Does any company have solid statistics that game trading or buying pre-owned actual hurts?

Add this to your responses: Think of at least one title that you've bought pre-owned that made you a fan of a series. Did that experience prompt you to buy future games in that series new as sequels were released?

-- Nothing is nicer than seeing your PS3 on an HDTV through an HDMI cable for the first time.