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Tomb Raider Underworld: Lara's mom got transported to Avalon in Tomb Raider Legend. In Underworld, you finally find her.....and she's half zombie. Lara has to put her out of her misery.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Everyone already named this one. It's my favorite ending, ever. Very emotional.

Final Fantasy X: Auron was dead. Jecht died. And when Yuna started to "send" everyone, Tidus had to go, too? Damn you, Square!! When Yuna tried to hug Tidus and fell right through him.....if I weren't so manly, *sniff*, I'd have......excuse me for a minute. Got something in my eye.

Magna Carta 2: If Juto disobeys his master, his skin will burn and he will die. His new master (Princess Zephie) commands him to stand down. He still fights to the death, despite great pain, to save the world.

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time: After fighting side by side through the whole game with Farrah and finally kissing her, the Prince must erase her memory of the whole game. Damn. It takes TWO more sequels to finally get those two together.