disolitude said: Yeah its pretty good. Great style and solid gameplay...its a little lacking on the originality front and a little predictable cause of it. Cosidering that both ninja gaiden and devil may cry dropped the ball, Darksiders would be one of my favourite hack this gen and slash games if Bayonetta didn't come out...That game just demolished all expectations and standards... I'd rate the hack and slash games (that I played) this gen in the follwing order 1. Bayonetta . . . . 2. Darksiders. 3. Ninja Gaiden 2 4. Ninja Blade 5. Devil May cry 6. Conan 7. Dantes Inferno Didn't play Heavely sword... |
so darksiders >>>>>dante's inferno?
i just don't see my self playing bayonetta due to her character/story.it's unapealing to me for some reason.the game play is top notch though.
ninja gaiden sigma 2 gameplay is also very good but again the story is crap.I like a game with good story that's why i m leaning towards darksiders and dante.their story apeals to me.
by the way heavenly sword is awesome aswell. beautiful and fun to play with a very good story line.
conan should not be in top anything it's pure crap imo.