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Sorcery said:

No, when I look at the world and see everything our world has to offer, I just have a hard time fathoming that the millions of different species of plant life and animal life all derived from evolution. When I look at something as simple as fruit, I know its purpose (using animals to spread its seeds), I just can't envision the point when fruit was first created. For me, it's similar to the chicken and the egg paradox. The way that life on planet earth has specialized in the way it has is unbelievable to me, and the fact that so many evolutionary steps are completely missing doesn't help me change my mind. It's hard to believe in macroevolution when intermediate points haven't been discovered.


Another reason I probably don't accept it is my theological background, you can call it willful disbelief if you like. For me, it's easier to believe in Intelligent Design than evolution, even though many aspects of the Theory of Evolution have been proven.

The thing I can't understand with this view point is that you (and others) have a hard time accepting that evolution is true due to its complexity, specialisation and fossil record gaps yet you are willing to accept that a Being for which there is absolutely no empirical evidence and would surely have to be even more complex than that which he created is does exist.

I don't mean to insult your view, I'm just asking a genuine question on what I personally see as very contridicting beliefs.