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Rath said:
Yes. But I'm not going to debate it on here again because unlike climate change, origin of the universe, consciousness, free will or half a dozen other scientific hot topics that have been debated here this one science has closed the book on - at least as far as science can.

Until some piece of overwhelmingly contradictory evidence crops up (and no, it hasn't so far) evolution is accepted as scientific theory and fact.

I would agree with this except for the fact that there are still 60% of the citizens in the United States who don't accept evolution(which is an educational disgrace), and most them would accept evolution if they were exposed to the evidence. There are still too many organizations in the US that are confusing the subject (ex. Answers in Genesis, Institute for Creation Research, Discovery Institute, etc.). Most ask questions/subjects that have been answered by scientists for decades/some even a century ago (ex. Where are the transitional forms? There are no benneficial mutations. If we decended from apes, how come there are still apes? The Second Law of Thermodynamics contridicts evolution, Irreducible Complexity, etc.) Almost all these have been answered by the scientific community, and yet most people who are against evolution are outside the scientific community *cough* BEN STEIN *cough* and are happy to display a breathtaking ignorance on this subject. That is why evolution is still a hot subject; not because it is a issue in the science curriculum, but it is so misunderstood in the general public. Not only in the US, but in the Middle East as well.