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kowenicki said:
The tone of this thread is very very different to the tone of similar threads around september and october 2009.


It will be PS3 for a while yet I think. Then later in the year we shall see... very difficult to fall - depends on the main variables... price and natal/arc.

The reason the tone is different is because there is no point in debating these numbers when they can change any minute. I am no longer going discuss weekly numbers since it keeps changing three months later. What I will say is, deja vu is right.

I think the closeness of PS3 and 360 has more to do with Sony playing shipment games with retailers. The PS3 is hard to find in America for some reason.



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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)