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I would say a resounding reason's why
developer's having to take extra time because of multi-core development take's longer, an even if there is a new xbox it would be the same, "MULTI-CORE" development with less install base, and the developer's would still need to recoup their cost they already spent investing in the tool's for the development of the xbox360. they want as much money with less investment for new tools for the next xbox than instead of mainly still develop for the xbox360 when in all likelyhood they still have unrecovered cost still left over even yet today. this has been one expensive generation for 3rd party, outside of just Microsoft.

then there is quite a bit of horse power left inside of the xbox360 to be tapped not including developer's tweaking of their game engine's. There is still quite a bit of development for the xbox360 that can net much greater result's. yes there is some instances where it's hardware is being taxed but that also mean's, that on the same token that the developer has yet to tweak their engine which many developer's have already stated, they can get better result's for the xbox360 its not even close yet to be anywhere fully tapped in my opinion.

still another point:
this generation is still in it's infancy stage, what i mean it is not like previous generation's.
a) this hardware gap in its overall strength between the first xbox an the xbox360 is quite a bit, from the processor to the GPU
just by that point alone it would have much higher level of support for software development due to developer's main development platform for the xbox brand have been mainly PC, which also mean those very same Developer's the majority of them have only just started Multi-core software development due to game's being made with single core being the most idea because many consumer's have just recently in the past few year's have only had the option of multi-core processor in the PC at a price that is more market friendly, thus most every game for the PC has been single core designed.
Only this Time EVERY xbox360 is multi-core, now look at that vs' the number of PC's out there and you can see by today's standard's the game console, this generation has been one to be inline to be upto date as the level of development that would be the same for PC's.

so there is no doubt in my mind barring any big problem's for the sale's decline of the xbox360 demand to dwindle , that the xbox360 could get upto 70+ million world wide, hell it's only been released in 21 countries sofar there is still places for the xbox360 to be released into so they also too can join in the fun of having one of the best game system's out there.
It would in my opinion make it up to , I would say 80 to 100+ million LTD number's because this generation I think this is only going to extend this generation much longer than previous generation's because there is so much more that these system's are capable of than previous generation's I see it as there is still more time for the platform to grow in it's maturity that 5-7 year's is still to little of time to get the most out of its hardware.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.