Xelloss on 21 February 2010
With the exception of creep deny, I think the changes are good ones. As far as towers its just about balanced team, or even one tower wrecker. By mid game, either sivir or tristana can wreck a tower in seconds for example.
Though I do admit, its entirely preference. Part of the reason LoL is good, is it gives an even playing field (for people who havent been dotaing for years), plus the matchmaking which has flaws but since it uses ELO rating - at least newer players arent being put in games with dota pros.
I will admit I am not "pro", nor play in competitive leagues. I did give HoN/Dota a fair shake though, my liking LoL better is just preference. I can see why some long term dota vets do not like LoL for being different, though I know some who like LoL because it is.