Soriku said:
I'm the living proof. I like handhelds. I like the experience and what it offers but that's just my opinion. It's just to show that gaming is the same on consoles vs handhelds. Similar experiences. (OK, handheld and console gaming isn't totally the same but certain games like RPGs can be close) |
i'm personally not crazy about the handheld experience but It's pretty irrelevant whether you enjoy both the home and handheld experiences or not.
the fact is they're not in direct competition. MS, sony and nintendo compete for third party devs and for sales. i don't see how DS sales would in anyway affect 360 sales for example. when deciding which handhled to buy, i needa make the decision of whether or not i wanna play prof. layton or mgs. when deciding between the home consoles, i needa decide whether i wanna experience the mario franchise, the god of war franchise or the fable franchise.
I play ps3 when i'm home...rarely pick up the ds. i play the ds on the way to school or other places. I'm not gonna go buy a ds on the hopes that bioware is gonna announce one day that theyre making bioshock for it. i'm gonna go pick up a ps3 or 360 for that. the simple reason is they're two types of products while very similar, not in direct competition.