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And of course you went to Lair cause you lost the argument, typical trolling against PS3... cause you know it is the Lairstation 3, just like the Wii is the Nintendo Chicken Shoot player....

You followed that by saying you don't let reviews tell you if a game is good, then what are you basing your assertion that it is a crappy game on? I'm pretty sure you haven't played the game, right?

Then you followed that by saying 7/10 isn't a good score, but I thought reviews aren't worthy of telling you the quality of a game? Pick one empty argument and stick with it please :)

By the way that RE:UC game you were praising has a 78% average rating, EoJ has a 74%, I doubt there would be such a small difference between a crappy game and a good one.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!