joeorc said:
I do not think that's It at all, I think it may have to do with some fan's that may be blowing this way out of proportion both from the side with the xbox360 and from the side of the fan's of the PS3 . some blame SE some blame Microsoft and some blame each other for bringing up the short coming's of the other's side system in hope's on making the other side look bad. i am pretty much the middle because what the developer may have done with lost planet 2 may infact need the extra disc, Now I am not saying it's true or that I even think it is true. I just do not know for sure an until we see what that extra content is, I am not hoing to pass judgement on capcom about this, until further info get's out.
About this matter in general, the only, big, MS fault is to surcharge royalties on games on more than two discs, giving by the way easy excuses to greedy or lazy developers in borderline cases, but this time it's quite obvious the excuse is lame and the guilt is almost all on Capcom's greed (not lazyness, as they actually developed more material than they'll actually deliver). Nevertheless, without that surtax, there wouldn't be that easy excuse in any case, either those borderline and doubtful, or those in which the fault is clearly on one side, MS or developer, so a small dig at MS is justifiable, it started all this issue. That surtax doesn't solve disk swapping uncomfortableness, it simply replaces it with bigger faults.