scat398 said: DVD is definately nearing the end of its life cycle for games, but we need to be a little more realistic about what is going on here. The business model for this gen is DLC, it's that simple. It's about money and how companies can increase their revenue without doing any etxra work. Some companies are more responsible than others when it comes to offering DLC (i.e. large amount of content that clearly is post development). Capcom is not one of these responsible companies and it's up to us reject this content and reject this game. Don't buy the DLC and don't buy the game, send them a message. |
Yes i AGREE that as gamer's we need to speak with out $$ more, for all we know last planet 2 could indeed have more content that would have needed multiple disc's
we do not know for sure. people can look at past track record's an say..."this is just another money grab"
or look what happend with Killzone 2 many time's the developer's put out a target render and many did not think Killzone developer's would be able to get anyway near that quality. but many today that detracted that very same IDEA many have changed their mind. HELL the fan's had the XBOX360 song
"step one.."
you remember that one don't you they said
" instead you offer killzone 2 but killzone 1 sucked before so what made you think we wanted more sony you went wrong with your ps3 i'll just keep playing my 360 hope this song has helped you understand now you know how you killed your brand"
do you think today's perception of KILLZONE2 DEVELOPER'S CHANGED?
some have some did not change their mind. that's the point that was made before the game was even out.
100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...
Proud psOne/2/3/p owner. I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.