Mr Khan said:
That's what i'm feeling too. If there were a more accurate way to track the sales of these things (hard enough for the downloadable titles on the individual services, more impossible as a multiplat), i would formulate a bet about this game and the sales of either Secret Rings or Unleashed (no way Sonic 4 is getting up to M&S. Hell, the original Genesis games never got up this high) |
I'm thinking about main series titles, such as Sonic Unleashed or Sonic &tSR. Which is fairer because they don't have "Mario" in the title. The market for downloadable game is still tiny compared to retail games, especially when you're talking about the more mainstream audience a 2D Sonic title would be aiming for.
If they made a "New Sonic the Hedgehog", ie. a full retail game treated as an AAA project, maybe with simultaneous multiplayer, then it could sell bigger than M&S, possibly.
A game I'm developing with some friends:
It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.