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The Wii was considerably further behind the "curve" when it was launched than the PS2 was. That's the big reason it won't last 10 years.

Nintendo will announce a DS2 this year at E3. The Wii 2 is next year, and the original Wii *will* disappear from the market later that year.

That's a testament to its success, not some failure like this thread is trying to make it sound. The PS2 has had a long lifespan because it was a good console, and now its a dirt-cheap console wit h a huge, diverse, cheaply priced library.

By the end of 2011 (actually already, I think), the Wii HW alone will have raked in more profit than the PS2 ever can, HW + SW combined. Nintendo will replace it because they can, and because they like profit. The original Wii will not have a place, when the Wii 2 is released -- Nintendo won't chop the price to something abysmal, except to clear inventory and make room for the new hardware.

Ninty likes their high profit margins. There will be no cheap Wii era, ever, except to make room for its successor. Bumping the Wii specs to HD-capable, at this point in time, while remaining fully BC with the GC and the Wii, and maintaining the classic high Nintendo profit margin is already possible. When Iwata, etc. say "much more than HD", they aren't talking high tech, shiny performance. They are talking innovative new gameplay -- not something that will cost them an arm and a leg to produce. That's contrary to Nintendo's business model.

So yep, Snake612 is right.

The Wii will never pass the PS2.  The Wii line (GC, Wii, Wii 2), however, will probably surpass the PlayStation (PS1, PS2, PS3) line in just a few years, because the Wii 2 will likely sell like gangbusters, in 2011+.