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If this graphics comparison is indeed true. A huge gap between the PS3 version and 360 version of FFXIII. Action must be taken by 360 gamers.

I call on my fellow 360 fans to Boycott Square Enix now. Releasing a gimped version of FFXIII onto the 360. The games graphics looked crippled for the 360, seriously lacking in detail. I would not want to imagine how the game play would be like assuming it will have issues as well. Game reviewers will have a field day. What the hell were Square Enix thinking?

Square Enix quality of games have been very ordinary over the last few years and that trend is continuing with FFXIII.

I am very upset with this latest revelation. 360 owners have the right to be disappointed and they should boycott Square Enix. They gave us Last Remnant and Infinite Undiscovery(both crap games with issues) and now a gimped version of FFXIII.


---bro this is probably the first multi-platform game to release on both consoles at the same time that looks better on the ps3. all of the other

multi-platform games look just as good or worse.  for square enix to make a simultaneous release they had to port it otherwise you get FFXIII a

year later for 360 and while it may look better anyone who wants the game will not wait a year which is why squarenix needed to release it at the

same time otherwise 360 FFXIII sales would be extremely low.  and just know that even though it sucks getting a crap port of a game, ps3

owners have been getting crap ports for years.  if the 360 FFXIII frame rates happen to suck then you have a right to complain because that's bs

but when you're into the game and playing through it then the graphics won't matter at all. in the end gameplay and story will always prevail.