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I just looked into this. I know what happend, and why the Wii graphics look so bad.

They mad a big big VERY big judgment call.

They used the Next Gen graphics Engine. And they set al the settings as low as they could go to make it run. If you look at the buildings, characters. They have a similar rendering Technique. I'd be willing to bet quite a bit of money that the  Wii version is running the same graphics engine as the PS3/360. The PS3/360 games look good from the 1 screenshot I assed myself with at looking at. The Wii still can do ALOT more than this, however, this is what happens when you try to run a next gen game, on a last gen console, with all the shaders turned on. You have to sacrafice something. However on this, it looks like they sacraficed everthing. They should have killed the character models, and allowed the city geometry to look better. Looking at what I think. This was a PS3/360 game and cheaply ported to the Wii. It hopefully might show devs out there, do NOT port games directly from the PS3/360 to the Wii. It will never have a good outcome.

(You should never create a game for something that has as much power as a PS3/360, and then try to put it on something with so little as a Wii. It needs a seprate graphics engine, due to the massive diffrences between the two power levels, it needs to be totally rebuilt. Otherwise, you will end up seeing crap like this.) 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!