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TV: Are you willing to suffer in order to save your son?

Within 5 minutes, please cut off one finger from the base of your hand

Serial kidnapp murders occuring in a small town 

The victims that suddenly dissapear into the sound of the rain

Boy 1: Hurry up and lets go!

Boy 2: Daddy where are you?

Ethan: What's wrong Sean?

Sean: Nothing really...

Ethan: Sean!

A son that disappeared

Reporters: Is it true that your son dissapeared? Is he still alive? Mr. Mars!

How far can love go...

Ethan: Look Sean... in life, there are some things you simply can’t avoid...

How far can people be forgiven..

Even if you didn't wish for it.

Norman: Norman Jaydon, FBI

Shelby: Your idiot son killed those children! He’s the origami killer!

Man: No! No, you’re wrong!

The motive of the killer is...

Mars: In this world there are those who hunt and those who are hunted

I’m neither one of them

Shelby: I’m trying to save your child's life!

Man: I may be wrong, but it's still my child

The truth hidden within the origami

Who is the serial killer?

Paige: Fate is a cruel thing

You can never know what would have happened if you made a different choice

Ethan: You’re insane, you’re fucking insane!

Police: A gun! Fire!

Ethan: SEAN!!!!

TV: You have three minutes, and thirty seconds left

Sean: Daddy, promise me you won’t leave me alone again