Jordahn said:
I can see "SONY fans" being butthurt when FFXIII became multi-platform. And sometimes in the console industry ignorance can be bliss. Imaging what would have happened if FFXIII never went multi-platform. "SONY fans" would have laughed at Microsoft fans having this exclusive while we would have never known how a 360 version would have faired. But now we do know because this is reality. And those Microsoft fans that finally got that vindication they were looking for when SE announced FFXIII's multi-platform status. And now it appears that the PS3 will get a superior version which is REALLY exposing the inferiority of these Microsoft fans. Now these Microsoft fans are the ones butthurt. It's pretty obviously why while those Microsoft fans will just still be in denial. I'm going to go for a walk to get some exercise and some some fresh air. No point in tying to explain the obvious to those who are in denial. |
Denial about what? Certainly not in denial that this game's graphics are average. Not in denial that this game will be like the last 2-3 Final Fantasys and will be an average jrpg. For some reason you have convinced yourself that 360 owners wanted this game so badly. Unfortunately this franchise has been on a downslide for some time and really us "Xbots" weren't praying day and night for this game. Now that we do have the ability to play this game thats good, but honestly this game isn't as big as you think it is. If this game hits 5 mil on the PS3 i'll be shocked.