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augustoaag said:
joeorc said:
Feylic said:
starcraft said:
In fact, they don't explicitly say that it involves the Xbox 360. Given the port job Capcom did on Lost Planet for PS3, it is entirely plausible that they had to duplicate too much data for the PS3 given it's Blu-Ray drive's slow read times.

Ultimately though, we know what this is. Hisiru pointed it out. They are just finding ways to make money. If they really made stuff THEN cut it they would offer it as free DLC. But they will actually have set out to have DLC from the beginning.

Certainly by all accounts it is inexpensive to have a game with two discs, Microsoft only charges substantial costs for three or more.

No, thats pretty much BS. Please try again.

yup. it is think about this

the xbox360's drive speed is a 12x CAV

the PS3's BLU-RAY DRIVE is also a 8X DVD CLV drive beside being also a 2x Blu-Ray drive

the xbox360 speed can only get to it's max speed  the very outer edge's of the DVD disc itself upto that point the speed

is no way near 12x it's arround 8x with dip's to 5x than that matter's what type of DVD it's reading a DL or single layer DVD.

while the Blu-ray drive is a constant speed  no matter where on the disc

a 2x Blu-Ray drive transfer's speed as fast as a 8x speed DVD drive

so how is it that the blu-ray drive's are slow reading drives again?

Ps3 = Blue ray 2x             9MB/s

X360 = Dvd 12x                16'2 MB/s

a 2x Blu-Ray drive transfer's speed as fast as a 8x speed DVD drive

no sir.

dvd 8x  10'8MB/s


you are thinking of it as a CLV which the xbox360's drive speed is not . like i said that the xbox360's transfer speed is  not constant..which in the PS3 it is.

where as the PS3's optical drive is: 9MB/sec CLV

the XBOX360 DRIVE data transfer is not at a constant transfer speed of 16MB/sec

and the average

8X DVD SPEED IF ITS A CAV IS 5.7 Which  IS 7.8 MB/sec and it only reaches that max speed if the disc is completely full, and if its on the outer most part of the disc. and this average reading speed is even slower if reading from DL-dvd's .

if you do not think so

look up the DRIVE SPEED's  this is  in scott mueller's upgrading an repairing pc's page 776-777

17th ed.

scott's textbook Its right on my shelf right now

who is scott mueller?

Scott Mueller

Scott Mueller has sold more than two million copies of his best-seller Upgrading and Repairing PCs since it became an instant classic in 1988. Scott's industry-defining hardware book has been translated into 11 languages and has received accolades from PC technicians, enthusiasts and students worldwide. Scott is president of Mueller Technical Research, an international research and corporate training firm. Since 1982, MTR has specialized in the industry's longest running, most in-depth, accurate and effective corporate PC hardware and technical training seminars, maintaining a client list that includes Fortune 500 companies, the U.S. and foreign governments, major software and hardware corporations, as well as PC enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. His seminars have been presented to thousands of PC support professionals throughout the world. Scott has developed and presented training courses in all areas of PC hardware and software. He is an expert in PC hardware, operating systems, and data-recovery techniques. For more information about a custom PC hardware or data recovery training seminar for your organization, contact Lynn at

Mueller Technical Research
21 Spring Lane
Barrington Hills, IL 60010-9009
(847) 854-6794
(847) 854-6795 Fax

If you have questions about PC hardware, suggestions for the next version of the book, or any comments in general, send them to Scott via email at When he is not working on PC-related books or teaching seminars, Scott can usually be found in the garage working on performance projects. This year a Harley Road King with a Twin-Cam 95ci Stage III engine continues as the main project (it's amazing how something with only two wheels can consume so much time and money ), along with a modified 5.7L '94 Impala SS and a 5.9L Grand Cherokee (hotrod SUV).

I have been using it for year's

 for example:

so let's take the 12x speed of the xbox360 optical drive

it can transfer 16,6 MB/sec the average speed is 8.5 the average transfer rate is 11.7 MB/sec  the max of 16 MB/sec is only seen on the outer most part of the disc.

and this is a optimistic average speed only if the entire disc is full.

if its not than it would be even slower. why do you think microsoft section's off part of the disc in the first place.


100% lover "nothing else matter's" after that...


Proud psOne/2/3/p owner.  I survived Aplcalyps3 and all I got was this lousy Signature.