loves2splooge said:
This isn't a reverse Bayonetta situation so I don't care (thankfully. And even then, Bayonetta on PS3 probably wasn't that bad. I mean, my friend finished it on PS3 pre-patch and I didn't hear him bitch and moan about it. He only brought up the performance issues when I brought it up first). And the graphical differences (outside cinematics) seems minor so no biggie. It's not unusual for a port to turn out to not be 100%.
And the cinematic compression isn't a surprise given that A) FF13 is on only 3 DVDs instead of Lost Odyssey's 4 DVDs. I pretty much expected this to happen because I didn't think Square was going to put this badboy on 5-6 DVDs anyway and 2) FF13 probably has more cinematics than Lost Odyssey (though LO was pretty cinematic heavy, I'll give you that). The cinematic thing isn't an issue for me so don't care. I'm most interested in performance (slowdown issues, bugs, glitches, etc.) than video fidelity because I really don't care about that sort of thing.
All in all, I'm happy to the see that the port isn't a lazily whipped up piece of shit. Square-Enix had to port the code over mid-project (not exactly the best way to work on a multi-plat. Best results are when you do it simultaneously. Especially with Crystal Tools, Square-Enix could have coded for the PS3, 360 and PC all at the same time. On a side note, I think it's dumb that S-E didn't consider making FF13 for PC when they have the tools to do so. It doesn't cost much more to do it for all 3 platforms at once and I'm sure FF13 would have been a hit in the retail PC market and Steam. They could have delayed the PC version until the summer if they were afraid of piracy. Last Remnant on the PC was pretty polished too) had a lot less time to work on the 360 version. Given the circumstances, they did a good job. Much better than Sega did with Bayonetta (and even then, that shouldn't have dissuaded you from getting Bayonetta if you didn't own a 360. Of course Sony patched it now so the issue isn't so bad now).
Definitely agree with you
The difference in the ps3 and 360 version isn't a much different, someone that enjoy JRPG wouldn't even notice it. Even though i only own a PS3 and buying it for the PS3, the 360 Version is definitely the same and those that are worried that it might look shit, well it won't the game will look 99.99% exactly the same as the PS3, Same performance